Will Blog for Experience: Patrick

I'm a student blogger for Experience.com and if my blog gets the most readers out of these 5 blogs I will be going to Washington, D.C. for a job shadow at the Department of Energy, courtesy of CBCampus. Experience is a career site specifically for college students & alumni. They provide extraordinary job opportunities, real-world insights, and a network of inspirational role-models to help students explore and launch careers they love. Keep reading my blog if you want me to lead this challenge!

Experience, Inc.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Tom Friedman is my hero

Tom Friedman regularly writes columns for the NYT on energy. They are fairly good columns. His column in October, "The Energy Mandate" , first got me hooked. In it, he argues energy should not be a priority issue, it should be the priority issue.

Plus, he's funny. From the video: "The issue green has been named by its opponents...They named it...vaguely french."


  • At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    after screwing up the country with his march to iraq war, now he has jumped to the liberal cause of energy alternatives


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