Will Blog for Experience: Patrick

I'm a student blogger for Experience.com and if my blog gets the most readers out of these 5 blogs I will be going to Washington, D.C. for a job shadow at the Department of Energy, courtesy of CBCampus. Experience is a career site specifically for college students & alumni. They provide extraordinary job opportunities, real-world insights, and a network of inspirational role-models to help students explore and launch careers they love. Keep reading my blog if you want me to lead this challenge!

Experience, Inc.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sweden's Energy Policy

The goal of Sweden's energy policy is to "create conditions for efficient and sustainable energy use, as well as a cost-effective Swedish energy supply with minimum negative impact on health, the environment and the climate." Sounds like a good policy to me. Here's how they do it:
  • Fossil-fuel free electricy: 1/2 Nuclear, 1/2 Hydro
  • Switching from oil as the main heating fuel to biomass
  • Pioneering flue gas desulphurization, reducing acid rain
  • Green certificates: All electricity users must by them, corresponding to a % of their energy usage.
  • Energy taxes
    • Started taxing carbon dioxide in 1991 to encourage efficiency and the use of bio fuels
    • 2001 green tax reform: Taxes will be increased by 3,200 million (is that 3.2?) Euros over the next 10 years
    • Energy taxes account for 10% of Swedish state revenue
  • Part of the European Union emissions trading scheme
Green Certificates


  • At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Taxing greenhouse gas emissions is a great way to reduce them and America should follow Sweden's lead in this regard. Our energy crisis can be solved by reducing energy needs.


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